Twitch raids are a unique and fun way to introduce your community to other streamers, while also helping to support and grow their channels.

The process of raiding involves sending your viewers to another channel at the end of your stream, creating an opportunity for both streamers to network and collaborate.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to execute a successful Twitch raid, tips for choosing the right channel, and etiquette to ensure a positive experience for everyone involved.

Step 1: Selecting the Right Channel

  1. Identify similar content:

    To ensure a smooth transition for your viewers, choose a channel that shares common interests or a similar game genre. This helps maintain viewer engagement and increases the likelihood of your audience enjoying the new stream.
  2. Look for streamers with similar audience sizes:

    Raiding a channel with a comparable viewer count can lead to a more meaningful interaction and potential collaboration opportunities in the future.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the streamer:

    Before raiding, spend some time watching the target streamer to understand their personality, streaming style, and chat rules. This will help you determine if they are a good fit for your community.

Step 2: Prepare Your Viewers for the Raid

  1. Announce the raid:

    Inform your viewers of your intention to raid another channel, providing them with some context and background about the target streamer. This helps build excitement and anticipation for the upcoming raid.

  2. Encourage participation:

    Remind your viewers to be respectful and engage positively with the new streamer, while also representing your community in a friendly and supportive manner.

  3. Create a custom raid message:

    Develop a unique, catchy, and positive raid message that your viewers can copy and paste into the target channel’s chat upon arrival. This helps distinguish your community and leaves a lasting impression on the raided streamer.

Step 3: Initiating the Raid

  1. Use the raid command:

    To initiate a Twitch raid, type “/raid [Streamer’s Username]” into your chat (without quotes and brackets), followed by pressing Enter. This will start a countdown timer, providing your viewers with time to prepare for the transition.

  2. Optional:

    Run an ad break: Running a short ad break prior to the raid can help support your channel financially while also ensuring that all viewers can participate in the raid without being interrupted by ads.

  3. Execute the raid:

    When the countdown timer reaches zero, you and your viewers will be automatically redirected to the target channel, and the raid message will be sent to their chat.

Step 4: Post-Raid Etiquette

  1. Engage with the raided streamer:

    As the raid initiator, take a moment to introduce yourself and your community to the raided streamer, expressing your appreciation for their content and fostering a positive connection.

  2. Stick around for a while:

    Spend some time in the raided channel, engaging with the chat and streamer to encourage your viewers to do the same.

  3. Thank the raided streamer:

    After spending some time in the raided channel, express your gratitude for the experience and encourage your community to follow the new streamer, further solidifying the bond between both communities.

Twitch raids provide a fantastic opportunity to connect with other streamers, create new friendships, and support the growth of smaller channels. By following the steps and etiquette outlined in this guide, you can create a memorable and enjoyable raid experience for everyone involved. Happy raiding!